Ya boi has returned from Vegas, and although nothing could ruin a quick trip to Sin City, there was one major issue with this weekends trip. Side note, met Steve Nash in the airport at 630am, after he got back from Vegas, he was not excited to see me.
Listen, as someone who reads and writes at a 6th grade level, I don't like to insult peoples intelligence, however the majority of people don't know how to travel/go through an airport. The entire process is just a cluster fuck, and I am happy some people are either too poor or don't travel enough to have TSA Pre check.
I could go on an hour long podcast and rant about everything wrong with some people at the airport. When I landed in Vegas I honestly thought how have some of these people made it this far in life, let alone made it far in life to treat themselves to a vacation.
Let's start with the people who don't know how to go through airport security. There is NO ONE worse than the people who wear sandals to the airport knowing they will have to walk around barefoot, and will eventually take their sandals off on the plane which no one wants to sit next too. Then there is the person that "didn't know" they have to take their laptop out of their bag only to hold up the line
This next group of people could take up the entire list individually but I'm going to lump them all together. The disorganized family with incredibly misbehaved and disobedient children/babies that don't start crying. I had the great pleasure of sitting near this family on the plane. Took them 25 minutes to get in their seats, walking up and down the aisle to find a spot to store their stroller and 19 carry on bags. Why wasn't any of these checked???? Watching their kids thinking the aisle of the plane is their personal play ground by running up and down while the drink cart is coming and I am trying to order a double jack and coke on the rocks....lots of rocks. PSA if you're flying with babies or small children, if they can not make it the entire flight without crying for longer than one minute total, drive to wherever you're going. I paid to get from point A to point B, I didn't pay to hear your baby cry over my headphones as I'm watching the new batman movie.
This family also included someone that left the window shade open the entire flight letting the sun shine in while people were trying to sleep. Why did he keep the window open the entire flight you may ask? To take a 5 hour video of fucking clouds. 5 days later and that still blows my mind, NEVER be that guy, I almost got up to shut it and turn his phone off.
Lastly, the combination of people who stand by the gate to board even though they are the last group (poor!). These are usually the same people who clap when the plane lands, or are the first people to stand up and try and run up to get their bags from the overhead container and try and sprint to the front to get off the plane first. Yes, I am talking about you Susan, who is sitting in seat 47F. If you are in such a rush to get off the plane maybe pony up and few more $$$ and sit comfort plus, and not try to rush the front of the plane like Adrian Peterson in his prime.
Honorable mentions: People who cant lift their own bags (unless you're an elderly person Ill help you out), if not check the fucking bag Trisha. The person who shows up late and now has to rush everyone in the security line. The person who has to get fully dressed and block the security exit after going through their pre check/the person who is somehow having trouble untying their shoes and putting them back on (are you 4 years old?). People who talk on speakerphone.
Oh and fuck the Delta Sky Club for not being able to to serve beers until 8am, this caused me to get cut off from the flight attendant on the way to Vegas.
I am debating becoming one of those motivational speakers that people blindly pay money to see only to never do any of the advice they give and expect life changes, only with teaching people how to behavior and navigate through an airport. Cheers!
