Well well well... look whose back and better then ever, the GREEN. BAY. PACKERS!!!
I am back as well. Young Horn was getting very upset and said I need to get back (to work!) on here no matter how pathetic my grammar and spelling be...

But to dive right into it.. we have all seen the stats come out every week comparing Aaron's first season to Jordan's. My conclusion.. Aaron who?
Passer rating: Love, 96.1. Rodgers, 93.8.
Completion percentage: Love, 64.2. Rodgers, 63.6.
Yards: Love, 4,158; Rodgers, 4,038.
Touchdowns: Love, 32. Rodgers, 28.
Interceptions: Love, 11. Rodgers, 13.
Call me spoiled for being introduced to the NFL through having the best QB of all time in Brett Favre. If it wasn't for this blue collard, gun slinging, dick showing, handsome man.. I probably wouldn't be a football fan or a Packers fan. Then we get Aaron, pretty sick, and now your telling me we have our 3rd Hall of Famer in a row?!?! Gad damnit I am spoiled and I will not apologize!
I know every Packer fan is with me when I say we are at an all time high... A chance at a Playoff run, a stacked young roster, and hopefully a new D coordinator coming in... sky's the limit.
Love concurs all! Let's enjoy this week and go pull off the upset Cheeseheads!