Alrighty so everyone else has expressed their frustration about these bullshit roughing the passer calls, I mine as well give my two cents. But first I need to do a slight disclaimer being that this is my first NFL blog…
My life begins…and ends…with the Green Bay Packers. It’s that simple, end of story. #GoPackGo #PutSomeCheeseOnIt
Now let’s take a walk down memory lane to September 17, 2018. The Packers were trying to close out the game and get the W against that loserrr Kirk Cousins and the Minnesota Vikings. Let’s all watch and get aggravated once again…
ARE YOU FUCKING KDDING ME?!?!?!? Clay basically coddles and burps Kirk like an infant…and then gentle places him on the soft, lushes grass, that is Lambeau Field. This obviously wasn’t the first terrible roughing the passer call but, being a Packers fan, it sticks out in my mind. It’s only gotten worse since then. This past week we all saw the hit on Brady, probably had to go right to the plastic surgeon after. And there were a handful of other brutal calls like this and it’s only going to get worse.
For gods sake I think we’ve all taken a harder hit playing flag football…now that I say that we might actually be headed toward the NFL adding one more ‘F’.
I know what you're thinking...and the answer is no it's not going to be the 'National Fucking Football League'…it's going to become 'The National Flag Football' League. Yea, let’s do that..and give everyone participation trophies while we're at it. Rant done. #pussification