Taking a slightly new direction today in the blog world today. So of late some people have been forward about a my recent weight gain, wasn't ask for, but it was still shared with me. You would think a former college D1 athlete, who pays for two gym memberships (rich), would actively be in the gym working on my fitness. But here I am, doing none of that.

So I decided to get a head start on the "New Years Resolution" crowd and got back in the gym on December 1st. Before I get into the worst people at the gym, the best way to lose weight is to get the flu. I just got over having the flu, which explains the minimal blogs over the last few weeks, but I lost 9 pounds after being in bed sweating for 4 days, much easier than working out.
Coming in at #1 and it's not even close, but it's the guy in the Sauna that talks politics and/or whatever ponzi scheme he is trying to get you involved in. I am a big fan of sitting in the sauna and sweating out the beers from the weekend and or fool myself that sweating is going to get me a 6 pack in a week. I am not trying to listen to the 22 year old Bernie Madoff about how I invest and work for him for 8 weeks for free I can triple my profits in 6 months.
#2 the guy who has to write down everything in his notebook and take up the bench for 45 minutes. A typical rest period between sets is 30 seconds to two minutes. An average working set takes around 30 more seconds. So how is it that you’re still sitting there, staring into space after 20 minutes? If you’re going to idle, the cushions on the seats at the juice bar are more comfortable than the ones on the bench.
#3 would be Liver King. Obviously he wouldn't be in your gym, but you know the guy whose clearly on steroids but loves to tell people he's all natural. Theres also no reason to be that big. Still can't believe Liver King thought anyone would believe he was "all natural" looking like this.

And lastly, the group of 16-20 year old that just started working out and go to the gym together and are either just walking around taking up space where people are trying to work out, or sitting at machines and not using them and probably talking about some dank memes they saw on IG or Tiktok.
And before you get butt hurt if you're someone I mentioned on this list (@LiverKing)...just know everyone has been someone at this list before too.