Welcome to CubeMonkeySports, your destination for escaping the workplace, five minutes at a time.
We all know the feeling of Monday morning 8:00, chained to your desk like a dog chained to a bike rack at the local 7/11, forty hours of torment ahead you. Do you hate your desk job? Do you hate work in general? Are you tired of being micromanaged? Well you came to the right place, we here at CMS will do our best to make the work week a little more bearable, with sports, pop culture, and Miller Lites.
So sit back, flip your head around and make sure your boss isn't looking, and dive in to the world of CubeMonkeySports. Feel free to like and subscribe, then unlike and unsubscribe only to re-like and re-subscribe. As always....grammar is for nerds, only here to give the people #winners and #laughs.

Here's a little Tuesday jam to get you through the 9-5...or 8-5 if your job requires you to clock out for an hour lunch. Go Dicky Go Dicky Go!