"We're better than that." Is what Tony said his campaign slogan would be...I don't know, feel like he's got my vote...

Kicking it off with the update on Dan Snyder selling the formerly known Washington Redskins, then known as the Washington Football Team, and now known as the Washington Commanders...
Wilbon: He takes the big ole bag of cash, apparently around 6 BILLION DOLLARS...

Korn man: I'll believe it when I see it.
I never followed the skins that close but, if life-longer Kornheiser thinks Snyder is using this as a strategic ploy to get a shit ton of cash, keep a minority stake, and still stick around...I could see it unfolding that way..
Phillies crussshhhed it last night. Straight #Bombs. Bryce harper is the coolest guy on the fucking planet right now. If you didn't catch this video it's a must watch. Especially for all my 'Gone in 60 seconds' fans out there...
Korn man: Philly sweep
Wilbon: Sticking with Houston we've seen them battle back before.
Uncle Tim: Grease up those light poles Philly!!

The Big Booger man! Who doesn't miss the booger mobile...bring it back @ESPNBooger!
Booger talked about the @Packers defense. So grab your fork folks...and let's dig in!!!!
I already ranted about this previously but for the record:
The @Packers are broken right now. Joe Barry is not capable of getting what we need out of this extremely talented (and expensive - $92 Million) defense. They were supposed to be Top 5..minimum. And I don't think the players are making it easy for Joe. After listening to @AaronRodgers12 on the @PatMcAfeeShow show this week talking about their annual #Halloween get together....it sounded to me like Aaron was talking a lot about how important it is to bond off the field, get to know one another, how the whole offense was there...umm no mention of anyone on D?? Maybe I'm reading too much into it but, something seems off in the locker room...
Next week grab that fork @tyschmit...the people want answers!!!

Happy anniversary @JoeTorre! What a fucking good time the Yankees used to be huh? Torre was truly 'as cool as the other side of the pillow' too. And those rosters, my Lord! Jeter, Posada, Martinez, Soriano, ARod, Matsui, Williams, Giambi, Sheffield, Pettitte, Mussina, Rivera, and last but not least..probably the reason I started watching baseball as a kid, "The Warrior" Paul O'Neill.
So it's funny they brought this @NHL hit up because I was talking to my Dad about it right before...
Common now don't start turning into the @NFL!!!! #FreeCizikas