It’s January in Wisconsin. The snow is piling up, the beer is supposed to be flowing, and the Packers are supposed to be inspiring hope, not existential dread. Instead, we’re staring down a situation that’s more depressing than a bratwurst shortage during Oktoberfest.

First, let’s talk about Miller Lite stock. Down? DOWN?! How does the quintessential beverage of Lambeau’s bleachers take a nosedive in January? This is Wisconsin! Beer consumption should be skyrocketing right now. But no... instead I decided to go along with the New Year bullshit and try out “Dry January” and now our playoff hopes are in shambles.
Two. Straight. Losses. TWO! Heading into the playoffs! What happened to our swagger? Where is that classic Lambeau mystique? Where is the Love? I’ll tell you where: it’s buried under a pile of Caleb' painted finger nail clippings, missed tackles, flags (mostly our fucking fault because Lafluer is a bitch) blown coverages, and about 17 missed 'delay of game' penalties. Yay!
But it's 2025. I am a new, positive person. A new sober, positive person. So let's go out there next Sunday... and KICK THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF THE DIRTY BIRDS BOYSSSS!!!!!
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