It's been a minute but I have returned to the cube after the holiday break, and I am here to make a promise that is not more bad gambling picks. I will be pumping out more content of my terrible work life balance. Just picture Tim Tebow during his press conference at Florida.
And thats on GOD!
I have spoken about it before that I was willingly coming into the office here and there last year to get myself mentally prepared for the full time return to office (well Tuesdays and Wednesdays). I hate that I'm going to discuss this right off the jump but the bathroom situation we got going on is an ISSUE.
Somehow our building had no one coming in it for 2.5 years as we worked remotely, and they waited until the day before we returned to office to begin doing construction around the office. Walking in Tuesday morning and hearing a hammer drill go off for the first few hours of the day is such a pleasant experience while you're sales quota just came out. I have had hangovers that were more enjoyable than the first full day back. The bathroom on my floor has 3 stalls, 2 of which are "under maintenance", and the 3rd one will soon be under maintenance from having 40 dudes just pepper it day in and day out.
I think my arch nemesis (the janitor) was out sick yesterday because the bathroom was low on toilet paper all day. Normally this guy is quick draw McGraw as some of you may be aware of, just bull rushing the bathroom stalls like he's TJ Watt coming off the edge to sack the QB. But as is the cycle of life, everything was restored as I saw him bright and early in the bathroom at 7:47am SHARP this morning. I am looking forward to our stand off in 2023 since I am back in and the gym and doing dry January (#hardbody), and ready to go to war with him.
Our office also caters breakfast and lunch every day, still convinced they put laxatives in the food because my first trip to the bathroom was straight green slime. This could also be caused by the blue and orange cup of ice cream I had at the Islanders game last night, or the steroid cycle I have started. I do enjoy making a wizard staff at my desk with all my empty seltzer cans though.
The hardest part of the return is finding enough fake work to keep you busy. I am sure some of you are thinking, well Young Horn, your blogs are very poorly written, they seem like a 3rd grader wrote them, maybe you should focus on your sales. And to that I will say, you're right, but also mind your business, you don't know my life. My dream is to sit in my commander center in my mothers basement, watch all 4 of my TV's and just write about whatever my heart desires. No one wakes up and aspires to be a phenomenal sales representative and sit in and office all day as a slut to corporate America.
I am looking forward to ignoring my daily work responsibilities and take this blogging thing a little more seriously, unlike some other writers here at CMS (Davey boy), but still gotta pay the bills. Feel free to DM the @cube_sports twitter with some ideas for power ranking ideas, or some other topics you'd like to read about. Taking this as we go. Love you all!- YH