Ever since I started working a Corporate America job, it has been an age old debate of the worst days of the years to be in the office. Typically you get Monday after MDW/LDW, the Monday after the Super Bowl, days you used to get off for when you in in school that you don't anymore. My 33 year old co-worker was shocked we dont get Columbus Day off. I would add that January 2nd is one of the worst office days of the year, however this entire week stinks.
Everyone knows you've punted all your work since after Thanksgiving until now, and there's no bigger kick to the nuts than opening your laptop on January 2nd, to about 15 emails from a Karen, Tabitha, Kevin, Bradley, Seymour, or Jake. Tuesday I would've rather played Frogger in the streets of NYC and take my chances, than answer any of the emails from my clients that were looking to be overly eager to start the year.
But even in the slowest, darkest of work weeks, some men rise above and become legends. That man, was #JerseyJerry.
Jerry started his journey to make a hole in one on a golf simulator at 10pm EST on Tuesday January 2nd. When he started he thought he was going to be done in a few hours. Little did he know he would take the internet by storm and captivate the households of many across the world.
I started tuning in on my train to Manhattan Wednesday morning. I left the youtube stream of Jerry continuing to make history as I got to the office. Just left the stream on mute and shrunk the youtube browser as I made sales calls to get through the worst week of the year.
I was fun on invested by the time I was leaving my office at 5pm. Had switched to the mobile app and left it on for the train ride home, at this point I didnt want to miss history. There was a time he left the shot .9 inches away. I thought he had it. At that point I could see this spilling into the weekend and not making it home to his son and girlfriend. Watching Big Cat and Hank try and basically force him to go to sleep and listen to his tantrums was all time. Jerry even started talking about how he wish he never left his union job.
But Jerry reached legendary status this morning around 11am EST. With the help from none other, than @TomBrady.
After 16 minutes, Jerry finally did it. As I watched at my kitchen counter eating buffalo mac and cheese at 11:02am. Not only does he finally get the hole in one, shortly after he makes a speech just asking his favorite Steelers played #TJWatt for dinner.
We have pro golfers prepping for the Sentry Open who are more locked in on Jerry. Friend of the blog @MaxHoma looking jacked as ripped as shit at the start of this video.
Just unreal stuff all around. Shoutout again to @JerseyJerry for captivating the sports world and media, and just random families at home watching someone to continue to just swing a golf club.
